Wednesday, December 9, 2009


took the dog out snowshoeing! we got the 2nd storm of the season [we got about 5 inches last storm, and this one was about 1 foot]
first off a little disclaimer~ I'm not a photographer, and don't really know how to use a camera :) I just point and click...


devin platts said...

yeah! it is a blast!!! lots of work tooooo hahaha we were both really tired when we got back :D

Clo said...

AAAAww pleaaaase Santa i want snooooow for Christmas!! Hehe Devin, I can tell you 2 had fun! :D

o.O' said...

Ook? Seems like s-short trouserrrs and mmm-ohito w-weather to me.. ;)

devin platts said...

clo: ouaiiiiiii~
seb: duuuude it's always good weather for a mohito~

jake gumbleton said...

Hey Devin,
I am officially a follower here now, loving your stuff over the last few months. Really fun quality to it all. The snow looks great fun!

devin platts said...

cheers jake! glad to see you stoppin' by :D

jamie holmes said...

Wauw what great photos!.