soooo... I've been in Shanghai, China for the last 4 months...trying to stay on top of my freelance, and working fulltime at Redsteam Studio, working for Gameloft.
Here's some sketches from the old sketchbook, which I only recently remembered I had...
my friend/coworker Oyo and I have started going out on monday nights to do sketching after work :) feels really good to get away from the computer and doodle...

and here's the crazy view from my 27th floor apartment...

Haven't really had much time for personal work. When I'm not doing freelance and not working, I really prefer not being at the computer...
sounds awesome, dude! Having a good time there?
great to see some new stuff sir ! sketchies are looking delightful : )
Congrats for getting aq job!
I'm sure it'll make you grow even more.
you are a 怪物 with those sketches dev. nice to see you posting.
Good stuff dude. Good to see you back.
innadia: it's pretty cooooooool~ I'm doing the best I can to have a good time ;)
scott: thanks doooood, hopefully i'll be able to keep more regular updates :S
manuel: I'm already feeling improvements after just a few months, still have a loooooooong way to go ;)
frank: 我不是怪物。。。我是鬼佬
thanks man ;)
anton: tanksssshhhhh
great sketches, getting into some nice energy there man!!
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